Twebbrowser içinde kullanılan grid içerisinden veri girişi

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Mesajlar: 126
Kayıt: 26 Haz 2003 06:40
Konum: aksaray

Twebbrowser içinde kullanılan grid içerisinden veri girişi

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TWebbrowser içerisinde oluşturulmuş bir grid nesnesi var fakat bu nesne içerisinde veri girişini yaptıramıyorum. Daha öne bu şekilde webbrowser da grid nesnesi ile veri girişi yaptıran arkadaşlar yardımcı olabilirler mi?
İlgilenenler için sayfanın kaynak kodu şöyledir.

Kod: Tümünü seç

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    <form id="mainForm" method="GET" action='/tzob/Tzob/EskiUyeMatrixFormAction'>
		<div><table style='padding:0px;margin:18px 16px 18px 16px;'><tr style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><td style='padding:0px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'><span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerSicilNo" ><span class="b12-label" id="labelSicilNo" >Sicil No</span><input Value="" class="k-textbox " id="SicilNo" name="SicilNo" tabindex="1" type="text" value="" /><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="SicilNo" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span></span></td><td style='padding:0px 0px 0px 20px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'><span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerCiftci_Person_Name" ><span class="b12-label" id="labelCiftci_Person_Name" >Gerçek Kişi Ad</span><input Value="" class="k-textbox " id="Ciftci_Person_Name" name="Ciftci_Person_Name" tabindex="3" type="text" value="" /><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Ciftci_Person_Name" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span></span></td><td style='padding:0px 0px 0px 20px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'><span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerCiftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber" ><span class="b12-label" id="labelCiftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber" >TC Kimlik No</span><input Value="" class="k-textbox " id="Ciftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber" name="Ciftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber" tabindex="5" type="text" value="" /><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Ciftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span></span></td></tr><tr style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><td style='padding:0px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'><span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerEskiSicilNo" ><span class="b12-label" id="labelEskiSicilNo" >Eski SicilNo</span><input Value="" class="k-textbox " id="EskiSicilNo" name="EskiSicilNo" tabindex="2" type="text" value="" /><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="EskiSicilNo" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span></span></td><td style='padding:0px 0px 0px 20px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'><span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerCiftci_Person_SurName" ><span class="b12-label" id="labelCiftci_Person_SurName" >Gerçek Kişi Soyad</span><input Value="" class="k-textbox " id="Ciftci_Person_SurName" name="Ciftci_Person_SurName" tabindex="4" type="text" value="" /><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Ciftci_Person_SurName" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span></span></td><td style='padding:0px 0px 0px 20px;margin:0px;vertical-align:middle;'></td></tr></table></div>
		<p id="sayfaMesaj"></p>


    <div id="grid">


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<option value="Evet">Evet</option>
<option value="Hayir">Hayır</option>
</select><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="IkametgahBuradaMiEditor" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
		            <span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerKoyMahalleToCopy">
                            <input type="text" name="KoyMahalleEditor.Exp" id="KoyMahalleEditorExp" class="b12-autocomplete" tabindex="0"  />
<input type="hidden" name='KoyMahalleEditor.Id' id='KoyMahalleEditorId' />

                            <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="KoyMahalleEditor" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
        		<span class="b12-fixed-width" id="containerDurumToCopy">
			<select class="b12-combo-customEditor" data-val="true" data-val-required="The DurumEditor field is required." id="DurumEditor" name="DurumEditor"><option value=""></option>
<option value="Aktif">Aktif</option>
<option value="OnayBekliyor">Onay Bekliyor</option>
<option value="Pasif">Silindi</option>
</select><span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="DurumEditor" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
    <script type="text/javascript">
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			            error : function(e){
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                        type: "POST",
                        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
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                    data: function (data) {
                        return data.Sonuclar;
                    total: function (data) {
                        return data.Total;
					                    model: {
                        id: "Id",
                        fields: {
                            Id: { editable: false, nullable: true, type: "string" },
														CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber: {type:"string" }, 
														CiftciName: {type:"string" , editable: false}, 
														SicilNo: {type:"string" , editable: false}, 
														EskiSicilNo: {type:"string" }, 
															IkametgahBuradaMiEditor: { defaultValue: { Exp: "", Id: "" } },
															KoyMahalleEditor: { defaultValue: { Exp: "", Id: "" } },
														GirisTarihEski: {type:"date" }, 
															DurumEditor: { defaultValue: { Exp: "", Id: "" } , editable: false},
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					name: "cancel",
					text: 'Geri Al'
					name: "create",
					text: 'Ekle'
					name: "help",
					text: 'Yardım'
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                    width: 50,
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                    field: "CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber",                            
                    title: 'TC Kimlik No',                            

																														editor: CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumberFieldEditor,
					width: '80px',
                    field: "CiftciName",                            
                    title: 'Üye',                            

					width: '80px',
                    field: "SicilNo",                            
                    title: 'Üye SicilNo',                            

					width: '80px',
                    field: "EskiSicilNo",                            
                    title: 'Eski SicilNo',                            

					width: '80px',
                    field: "IkametgahBuradaMiEditor",                            
                    title: 'İkametgâh Odası mı',                            

															template: '<span id="IkametgahBuradaMiEditor">#= IkametgahBuradaMiEditor ? (IkametgahBuradaMiEditor.Exp ? IkametgahBuradaMiEditor.Exp : "") : "" # </span>',
																														editor: IkametgahBuradaMiFieldEditor,
					width: '110px',			
                    field: "KoyMahalleEditor",                            
                    title: 'Delegesi Olduğu Köy',                            

																				template: '<span id="KoyMahalleEditor">#= KoyMahalleEditor ? (KoyMahalleEditor.Exp ? KoyMahalleEditor.Exp : "") : "" # </span>',
																									editor: KoyMahalleFieldEditor,
					width: '110px',			
                    field: "GirisTarihEski",                            
                    title: 'Giriş Tarihi',                            

					width: '80px',
					format: "{0:dd.MM.yyyy}",
					editor: dateTimeEditor
						{ command: [{ id: "btnUyeIslem", name: "btnUyeIslem", text: 'Üye İşlem Kayıt', click: function(e) {var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest('tr'));UyeIslemKayit(dataItem);} }], title: "&nbsp;", width: 100 },
						{ command: [{ id: "btnUyeBorco", name: "btnUyeBorco", text: 'Üye Borç Kayıt', click: function(e) {var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest('tr'));UyeBorcKayit(dataItem);} }], title: "&nbsp;", width: 100 },
                    field: "DurumEditor",                            
                    title: 'Durum',                            

															template: '<span id="DurumEditor">#= DurumEditor ? (DurumEditor.Exp ? DurumEditor.Exp : "") : "" # </span>',
																														editor: DurumFieldEditor,
					width: '110px',			
								{ command: [{ name: "destroy", text: 'Sil' }], title: "&nbsp;", width: 90 }
            dataBound: dataBoundFunc,
            dataSource: dataSource,
			selectable: "multiple, row"

        function dateTimeEditor(container, options) {
            $('<input name ="' +options.field + '" data-text-field="' + options.field + '" data-value-field="' + options.field + '" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '" data-format="' + options.format + '"/>')

							function CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumberFieldEditor(container, options) {
						$('<input name="' + options.field + '" class="k-textbox"/>')
								function IkametgahBuradaMiFieldEditor(container, options) {
				var IkametgahBuradaMiType = $('#containerIkametgahBuradaMiToCopy').clone(true, true);
					attr('data-value-field', 'Id').attr('data-text-field', 'Exp').
					attr('data-role', 'dropdownlist').attr('style', "display: none;").
					attr('data-bind', 'value: IkametgahBuradaMiEditor');
		            function KoyMahalleFieldEditor(container, options) {                    
                var inputType = $('#containerKoyMahalleToCopy').clone(true, true);
                inputType.find('#KoyMahalleEditorId').attr('data-bind', 'value: ' + options.field + '').appendTo(container);
					dataSource: {
						type: "json",
						serverFiltering: true,
						serverPaging: true,
						pageSize: 20,
						transport: {
							read: '/tzob/Tzob/GetKoyMahalleAutoCompleteForEskiUyeMatrix' + '?filterStmt=' + "(( e.Id in (Select id from Address a where a.Parent in (( Select Ilce FROM OdaIlce o WHERE o.IlceDurum= 'Aktif' and o.Oda.Kod=e.Profile.Code )))) )",
					filter: "contains",
					valuePrimitive: true,
					dataTextField: "Description",
					template: '<span class="k-state-default">#: data.SecondParam #</span>',
					select: function (e) {
						var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());

						var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
						var currentSelection =;
						var $tr = currentSelection.closest("tr");
						var $cell = $tr.find('#KoyMahalleEditor').closest('td');

						var KoyMahalle = {
							Exp: dataItem.SecondParam,
							Id: dataItem.Id

						var newDataItem = grid.dataItem($tr);
						newDataItem.set('KoyMahalleEditor', KoyMahalle);
						valid = true;
					function DurumFieldEditor(container, options) {
				var DurumType = $('#containerDurumToCopy').clone(true, true);
					attr('data-value-field', 'Id').attr('data-text-field', 'Exp').
					attr('data-role', 'dropdownlist').attr('style', "display: none;").
					attr('data-bind', 'value: DurumEditor');
		var blankUrl = '/tzob/PublicUser/BlankPage';

		$(".k-pager-refresh", "#grid").bind("click", function (ev) {
            insertedIds = new Array();

						$(".k-grid-_1", "#grid").bind("click", function (ev) {
					insertedIds = new Array();
					var grid = $('#grid').data("kendoGrid");;
							$(".k-grid-help", "#grid").bind("click", function (ev) {
					var request = new XMLHttpRequest;
					var htmUrl = baseUrl + "Help/EskiUyeMatrix.htm";"GET", htmUrl, false);
					if (request.status == 200) {
					else {
						pageJs.openHelp(baseUrl + "Help/Default.htm");
		var clickedLovButton;

		var lastId;
		var isInserted = false;


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    //var gridchange = function (e) {
    //    debugger;
    //    var gridt = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
    //    var dataItem = gridt.dataItem(;
    //    lastTc = dataItem.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber;

    //function gridchange(e) {
    //    debugger;
    //    var gridt = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
    //    var dataItem = gridt.dataItem(;
    //    lastTc = dataItem.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber;

    if ($('#grid').data() != null){
        $('#grid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.bind('change', function (e) {
            if (e.action == "sync") {
                if (uyeislemkaydet) {
                    if (e.items[0].Id != null) {
                        lastuid = e.items[0].uid;
                    uyeislemkaydet = false;
                if (uyeborckaydet) {
                    if (e.items[0].Id != null) {
                        lastuid = e.items[0].uid;
                    uyeborckaydet = false;
                //lastId = "";
                //for (var i = 0; i < e.items.length; i++) {
                //    if (e.items[i].CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber == lastTc)
                //        lastId = e.items[i].Id;

            //if (e.action == "itemchange") {
            //    if (e.field = "CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber") {

            //    }

        //g.bind("saveChanges", function (e) {            
        //    var gridt = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
        //    var dataItem = gridt.dataItem(;
        //    lastTc = dataItem.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber;
    var g = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
    g.bind("edit", function (e) {
        if (e.model.isNew() && !e.model.dirty) {
            lastTc = "";
            //var aa = {
            //    Id: "Person",
            //    Exp: "Person"
            //e.model.fields["Ciftci_ActorTypeEditor"].editable = true;
            //e.model.set("Ciftci_ActorTypeEditor", aa);
            //e.model.fields["Ciftci_ActorTypeEditor"].editable = false;
            e.model.set("GirisTarihEski", null);
            e.model.set("IkametgahBuradaMiEditor.Exp", "Evet");
            e.model.set("IkametgahBuradaMiEditor.Id", "Evet");
            $('#grid').data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "']")[0].children[5].children.IkametgahBuradaMiEditor.innerHTML = "Evet";
        else {
            // tc değiştirmesi engellenmesi için 
            if (e.model.Id != null && e.model.Id != '' && e.model.Id != "" && e.model.Id != '0') {
                var fieldName = e.container.find("input").attr("name");
                if (fieldName == "CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber" ) {
                if (fieldName == "GirisTarihEski" && e.model.GirisTarihEski != null) {

    if ($('#grid').data() != null) {
        $('#grid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.bind('change', function (e) {
            if (e.action == "remove") {
    // satırda değişiklik kontrolleri
    g.bind("save", function (e) {
        if (e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber && e.model.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber != e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber) {
            if (e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber != undefined && e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber.length == 11) {
                if (lastTc != e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber) {
                    lastTc = e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber;
                        url: '/tzob/Tzob/TcKontrol',
                        data: { tckimlik: e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber },
                        async: false
                    }).done(function (data) {

                        if (data.success) {
                            e.model.fields["CiftciName"].editable = true;
                            e.model.set("CiftciName", data.AdSoyad);
                            e.model.fields["CiftciName"].editable = false;
                            if (data.message == "") {
                                setTimeout(function () { //refocusing the cell
                                    return function () {
                                        var lastCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child(" + 5 + ")");
                                        //var lastCell = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').tbody.find("tr:first td:first");
                                        var e3 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });
                                        //var focusedCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child("+ 3 + ")")
                                }(), 200);
                            else {
                                    title: "Mesaj",
                                    message: data.message,
                                    icon: "k-ext-information"
                                })).done(function () {
                                    setTimeout(function () { //refocusing the cell
                                        return function () {
                                            var lastCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child(" + 5 + ")");
                                            setTimeout(function () {
                                                var e5 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });
                                            }, 300);
                                            //var focusedCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child("+ 3 + ")")
                                    }(), 200);

                                // ok tuşuna focuslanması için
                                setTimeout(function () {
                                }, 500);

                            //e.model.set("CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber", e.values.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber)
                        else {
                            //lastTc = "";                               
                            //e.model.set("Ciftci_Person_NationalIdentityNumber", 0);
                                title: "Mesaj",
                                message: data.message,
                                icon: "k-ext-information"
                            })).done(function () {
                                setTimeout(function () { //refocusing the cell
                                    return function () {
                                        var lastCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child(" + 2 + ")");
                                        setTimeout(function () {
                                            var e5 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });
                                        }, 300);                                           
                                        //var focusedCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child("+ 3 + ")")
                                }(), 200);

                            // ok tuşuna focuslanması için
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 500);

                            //Dialog2Message(data.message).done(function () {
                            //    $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').refresh();
                            //    setTimeout(function () { //refocusing the cell
                            //        return function () {
                            //            //var lastCell = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').tbody.find("tr:first td:first");
                            //            $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').current(lastCell);
                            //            $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').table.focus();
                            //            $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').editCell(lastCell);
                            //            var e3 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });
                            //            lastCell.trigger(e3);
                            //            //var focusedCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child("+ 3 + ")")
                            //            //$('#grid').data('kendoGrid').editCell(focusedCell);
                            //        }
                            //    }(), 200);

    function TcKontrol(tckimlik) {
            url: '/tzob/Tzob/TcKontrol',
            data: { tckimlik: tckimlik },
            async: false
        }).done(function (data) {
            var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
            var currentSelection =;
            var $tr = currentSelection.closest("tr");
            var $cell = $tr.find("td:eq(1)");
            var dataItem = grid.dataItem($tr);

            if (data.success) {
                dataItem.set("CiftciName", data.AdSoyad);
            else {
                dataItem.set("CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber", 0);

    function UyeIslemKayit(dataItem) {
        var uyeid = "";

        if (dataItem.Id != null && dataItem.Id != "") {
            lastuid = dataItem.uid;
            islemyapilantc = dataItem.CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber;
            //lastId = dataItem.Id;
        else {
            uyeislemkaydet = true;


    function UyeIslemEkranAc(uyeid) {
        var targetUrl = '/tzob/Tzob/EskiUyeIslemMatrix' + "?UyeId=" + uyeid;
        var width = '1200px';
        var height = '370px';
        pageJs.openWindow(targetUrl, blankUrl, 'Üye İşlem', width, height);

    function UyeBorcKayit(dataItem) {
        if (dataItem.Id != null && dataItem.Id != "") {
            lastuid = dataItem.uid;
        else {
            //DialogMessage("Lütfen üye kaydı yapıldıktan sonra üye borç kaydı yapınız!");
            uyeborckaydet = true;

    function UyeBorcEkranAc(uyeid) {
        var targetUrl = '/tzob/Tzob/EskiUyeAidatMatrix' + "?UyeId=" + uyeid.toString();
        var width = '1200';
        var height = '370px';
        pageJs.openWindow(targetUrl, blankUrl, 'Üye Borç', width, height);

    function Dialog2Message(message) {
            title: "Mesaj",
            message: message,
            icon: "k-ext-information"
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 500);
        // $('#extAlertDialog').siblings().find("k-ext-dialog-buttons").find("k-button").focus();
        //var e3 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 9 });

    $('body').bind('EkranKapandi', function (e, insertMode, insertedId) {
        if (islemyapilantc != "") {
            setTimeout(function () { //refocusing the cell
                return function () {
                    var data = $("#grid").data().kendoGrid.dataSource._data;
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                        if (data[i].CiftciPersonNationalIdentityNumber == islemyapilantc) {
                           // debugger;
                            var rowset = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + data[i].uid + "']");

                            islemyapilantc = "";

                            var lastCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + data[i].uid + "'] td:nth-child(" + 1 + ")");
                            //var lastCell = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').tbody.find("tr:first td:first");
                            var e9 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });

                    ////var rowset = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + lastuid + "']");

                    //var lastCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + lastuid + "'] td:nth-child(" + 1 + ")");
                    ////var lastCell = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').tbody.find("tr:first td:first");
                    //var e9 = $.Event('keypress', { keyCode: 13 });

                    ////var focusedCell = $("#grid tr[data-uid='" + e.model.uid + "'] td:nth-child("+ 3 + ")")
            }(), 600);

Mesajlar: 46
Kayıt: 02 Eki 2007 05:56

Re: Twebbrowser içinde kullanılan grid içerisinden veri girişi

Mesaj gönderen osiso »

ben böyle durumlarda element itemsini saydırıyorum ve bir artırarak kendi gridime yada istediğim yere çekiyorum zaten dikkat et hep id si bir artar ona göre sende toplu olarak çekebilirsin hatta bir döngü yazarsın 455 inci element den sonraki 987. elemente kadar al gibi istersen bana adresinden ulaş sana yardımcı olabilirim.
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