239 uygun sonuç bulundu

gönderen mia
18 Oca 2018 08:19
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: how to compress/decompress this memorystream using idzlib ?
Cevaplar: 1
Görüntüleme: 379

how to compress/decompress this memorystream using idzlib ?

i have the following memorystream that hold mp3 file with 1 MB size var mpaud: TMemoryStream; begin mpaud := TMemoryStream.Create; try mpaud.LoadFromFile ('dd.mp3'); mpaud.Position := 0; memo1.Lines.Add(inttostr(mpaud.Size)); mpaud.SaveToFile('tt.mp3'); finally mpaud.Free; end; i wanted to compress ...
gönderen mia
26 Ara 2017 05:31
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: how to add / extract header from tidbytes ?
Cevaplar: 4
Görüntüleme: 1320

Re: how to add / extract header from tidbytes ?

but how to extract that header in server side ? and cut it out from the actual bufferchannel ?
gönderen mia
26 Ara 2017 03:35
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: how to add / extract header from tidbytes ?
Cevaplar: 4
Görüntüleme: 1320

how to add / extract header from tidbytes ?

i have this current tidbytes variable var BufferChannel : tidbyets; ... BufferChannel:= RawToBytes('Buffer^, Buffersize); udpreciver.SendBuffer(ipaddr, port, BufferChannel); which i send it through indy udp server as sendbuffer i want to add extra data with it while sending like adding header infron...
gönderen mia
17 Ara 2017 05:54
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client
Cevaplar: 9
Görüntüleme: 1711

Re: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client

ertank yazdı: 13 Ara 2017 09:20 If you have your own list you can send back messages when required. However, as you are using UDP protocol there will be no way to know for sure that if your client actually receiving these messages.
i will update with new code shortly this code is disaster not recomended
gönderen mia
13 Ara 2017 07:04
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client
Cevaplar: 9
Görüntüleme: 1711

Re: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client

i know that udp is connection-less ,what i mean about CONNECTED CLIENTS is the Client who subscribed to that port .
gönderen mia
10 Ara 2017 01:36
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client
Cevaplar: 9
Görüntüleme: 1711

Re: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client

running 4 client app and the count remains 1 2017-12-10 00:33:12.230 1 2017-12-10 00:33:15.218 1 2017-12-10 00:33:18.230 1 2017-12-10 00:33:21.218 1 2017-12-10 00:33:24.217 1 2017-12-10 00:33:27.215 1 2017-12-10 00:34:17.575 1 2017-12-10 00:34:20.578 1 2017-12-10 00:34:21.150 1 2017-12-10 00:34:23.5...
gönderen mia
09 Ara 2017 02:20
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client
Cevaplar: 9
Görüntüleme: 1711

Re: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client

i have try this sadly it send only to the sender
gönderen mia
09 Ara 2017 02:37
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client
Cevaplar: 9
Görüntüleme: 1711

IDUDPSERVER communicate with spicfic client

Hey forum long time to be here , i have a question for experts sense i did not find a true example of what i needed i have written this UDPserver and client Client unit udpfrm; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Control...
gönderen mia
13 Ağu 2016 01:53
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 3945

Re: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue

here is the project on 2shared as EXE


i really get difficulty to make this work on dll if you can show me an example with this project
gönderen mia
13 Ağu 2016 01:01
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 3945

Re: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue

G.arkas Thanks for posting . but i need to understand how this will work with Dll ? is this unit makes The Application.mainform.handle works ? and should i add the unit and export those intialize also this part have an error type TApplication = class // To fix you should add Class(Tobject) private F...
gönderen mia
12 Ağu 2016 11:28
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 3945

Re: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue

Thank you G.Arkas i will be waiting inchallah .
gönderen mia
11 Ağu 2016 03:23
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: webcam capture using DirectX9 issue
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 3945

webcam capture using DirectX9 issue

i have this project that i use it top capture webcam it works normal on EXE i can read the device list and capture the camera . But when i try to use The same forms with the same files into a dll i only can read the device list and unable to Capture the camera any idea why ? Here is the full project...
gönderen mia
13 Ara 2015 01:40
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: Encryption and decryption
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 2134

Re: Encryption and decryption

i tried something like that to generate unrepeated guids do i have a risk of dublicated record ? here is the code

Kod: Tümünü seç

MyWideChar: array[0..100] of WideChar;
StringFromGUID2(MyGUID, MyWideChar, 39);
gönderen mia
12 Ara 2015 09:29
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: Encryption and decryption
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 2134

Re: Encryption and decryption

can i better insert to database unique unreapeated GUIDs ?
gönderen mia
10 Ara 2015 02:04
Forum: Programlama
Başlık: Encryption and decryption
Cevaplar: 7
Görüntüleme: 2134

Re: Encryption and decryption

i want to encode that record exactly same as GUID